
these little touches to make your food photography the best it can be.

We have all seen them – photographs of food so good that we have been tempted to eat the magazine page. Many of us have been tempted to try our hand at taking similar pictures, but the results are often lacking. The following tips and techniques can help turn your food photography into the aesthetic equivalent of four-star cuisine.


Try to photograph food using the ambient light whenever possible. A flash is too harsh, flattening out the natural coloring of the food and possible giving it a wet, greasy appearance. The best light for food photography is natural light,instead of a “, possible filtered through a thin, white curtain. To ensure high-quality photographs in low lighting settings, use a fast shutter speed and consider shooting with a tripod.


For a shot of the final product, try to use a simple setting, such as a clean, plain place setting. This will add a little interest to the shot, inviting the viewer to dig in to the food, without overshadowing the subject of your photograph. For shots of the ingredients or the preparation, include the tools,cheap ugg bailey button boots, such as a knife next to a pile of sliced onions, or action, like the chef swiftly slicing them. The inclusions of these elements give immediacy to the preparation of the dish. At the same time, do not be afraid to get creative with the angles of your shots. Low angle shots can show details of texture, while high angle pictures can be used to show off geometry and color in the dish.


Pay attention to the small things with the food. Be sure that the plates are clean of smudges or drips. Make sure that the background is free from extra items that you do not want in the picture. Also focus on the food. Would a drizzle of sauce or a sprig of mint make the image pop? Do not be afraid to make, or at least suggest, these little touches to make your food photography the best it can be.


There is always an element of timing to a great photograph. In food photography that element is accelerated, as many foods will begin to deteriorate quickly in terms of visual appeal. Always strive to be quick in finding and taking your photographs, but do not let that speed inhibit you from taking multiple shots and at multiple angles.

Zoom in

Get close to the food, both with your feet and with your zoom. Get the details of the items. Don’t be afraid to fill the frame or capture parts of the food in order to get those details. If you have a macro lens or setting, use that to get up close and personal with the food.

Color Balance

Learn how to manipulate the color balance on your pictures. This can be done through your camera or when processing your images after the shoot. Learning to adjust the colors in your pictures is especially important when photographing food in artificial light. These lights can lend an orange or blue tint to the subject, making the food look unappealing.

These techniques will help your food photography be the best it can be. Just as important as knowing how to shoot, however, is knowing when not to shoot. Meals that are all one color, for instance, are not particularly appealing to photograph. No matter how delicious grandma’s lemon chicken and garlic mashed potatoes are, they will not make a great photographic subject. Similarly, stay away from brown sauces and gravies. The wonderful flavors and aromas of these foods will not help the dreary pictures they create.

