
from the current situation of U.S. intelligence agencies

The Beijing News reported on July 21 July 19, has revealed "the Watergate" in the mainstream American newspaper "Washington Post" published an article called "a hidden world, the gradual loss of control," the report revealed the U.S. intelligence agency in 2001 after the 9.11 terrorist attacks of extreme expansion. This is the two senior journalists from the newspaper writer, in the nearly 20 staff members with the next, spent more than two years, U.S. intelligence agencies to conduct a detailed investigation report written out. The newspaper hoped that this U.S. "top secret" show the truth behind to no knowledge of the American people --- it is their taxes to feed the millions of intelligence.

"Large, heavy and mysterious"

Response to 9.11 and to build a top-secret world, no one knows how much spent, how many people employed, the number of items,Mr Gruzdev's wife, or how many agencies doing the same work.

After nine years of unchecked expansion continued, the U.S. intelligence agencies behaved as a "huge, difficult to manage and very mysterious world."

"Washington Post" The survey shows that there are 45 U.S. government agencies (eg FBI) involved in intelligence gathering, subordinate units of these institutions have 1271 (for example, scanning the FBI terrorists affiliated centers).

Reported, "In 2001, only 24 U.S. intelligence agencies, but 9.11, the intelligence agencies have mushroomed doubled, and now there are 85.4 million people in its work, is the Washington, DC is 1.5 times the resident population."

In addition, there are 1,931 private organizations and companies involved in the information war to the government. Boeing, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, General Dynamics and other large companies all on the list.

The paper also revealed expansion of after-effects of the U.S. intelligence agencies --- comparisons, expanding real estate information. "Since 2001, in Washington and the surrounding area, the intelligence built or under construction, the building has 33, with a total area of about 1.6 million square meters, equivalent to the area of the Capitol 22." This expansion not only in The new high-rise buildings, but also of the various advanced facilities. "A senior intelligence official said," It has become a 'top-secret American' in the status scale, at least in Washington so. "

The resulting large number of intelligence budget. In 2009, Congress appropriated the public information budget reached 75 billion U.S. dollars --- this figure is 21.5 times in 2001. Press writer William King have expressed doubts, in his view, coupled with military operations, homeland security and intelligence personnel expenditure, this figure may Hui reach 1,500 billion, while taxpayers and knowledge.

"Questionable efficiency"

Nearly 50,000 copies a year of massive intelligence, even a high-ranking officials, it is difficult to identify which is the most important information.

Few years they come up whether the intelligence agencies play a role? Spent so much money, intelligence and counter-terrorism performance efficiency can make people feel at ease?

Confidential information can not open because it is difficult to measure whether the efficient operation of intelligence agencies. However, one writer reported special Danuopuli Secretary, said last year a series of incidents, including shootings Hood Christmas, the attempted bombing aircraft, and Times Square in New York this year, the attempted bomb attacks on , the intelligence did not make a timely response,MBT Sapatu Shoes, so so many intelligence agencies and personnel efficiency is questionable.

Reported that the duplication of personnel burdensome, waste of resources is the U.S. intelligence agencies suffer from "obesity," the main reason. For example, the article said that 15 cities in the United States, the distribution of the 51 intelligence agencies and military departments, which are responsible for tracking terrorist financing networks and out of the situation.

In addition, such a large intelligence system, the analysis of annual reports or to submit information obtained by espionage trial, about 50 000 copies of many, so vast amounts of information in the most difficult to identify what is important. Even the most senior officials are difficult to judge.

It is reported that two thirds of the intelligence project from the Ministry of Defence, but only referred to as "super user" of a few officials can access to these information.

A "super users" interview, recalled the process of their access to secret intelligence. He said he was brought to a small, dark room, sat down at a little table and was told not to take notes, then appears on the screen one after slide of intelligence projects, he had to ordered a halt, he acknowledged, in that case, could not remember anything.

The report also pointed out that the law does not give clear information for people or financial control over the permissions. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been the reclassification of some sensitive information, but did not inform the relevant department of such adjustments, leading to the national counter-terrorism intelligence center personnel can not easily access such information.

"The U.S. road map for the enemy"

Anti-terrorism, homeland security and intelligence operations 2163 and 6942 government agencies are made of private companies location map, published on the Internet.

After the article appeared, the U.S. government to respond immediately. White House spokesman Gibbs praised the intelligence for the U.S. security efforts. "I do not think that the personnel information system to increase fuel waste. We have maintained a balance of both the race to ensure the necessary resources, not a waste of taxpayers money."

National Intelligence Director David grid Ponte 20 rejected that report did not reflect the true situation. He said that intelligence agencies "several times every day to achieve success, just inconvenience the public." He also said that regardless of whether the reported results show intelligence, but intelligence is the responsibility of ensuring U.S. security firm.

For "Why do so many of the institutions of the same type of work", the National Intelligence Director, Office of the response, "sometimes inevitable duplication of research, because different departments choose different information." For the article that "70% of the intelligence budgets are contracted to the private sector for funding, "said Director of National Intelligence is a" misunderstanding ", saying" the contract rather than the contractor who spent funds. "

Let the U.S. Government was disturbed by the "Washington Post" will master many of the survey made public. The newspaper's public records under the Government and some private information, the preparation of a "top secret U.S." sketch published in the online, anyone can click to find hidden "U.S. top secret" places: engaging in counter-terrorism, homeland security and intelligence services The 2163 government agencies and private companies 6942.

Obama administration official who asked not to be named said in an interview, he expressed shock diagram that this will be the "American enemy's road map."

However, special emphasis Danuopuli Secretary, reported that only public address of the relevant agencies, not the intelligence operations of the site, but did not provide the information in their possession details of action, so far from leaks.

"Information is still the number one big country"

The names of intelligence agencies would be exposed, but the agency is doing, what is the objective, it is impossible to be in the media.

"Washington Post" for this series of reports pains. Danuopuli Division Special Investigation is a senior newspaper reporter, Pulitzer Prize twice. William King of the United States intelligence agencies have up to 30 years.

Two co-writer for a dozen investigative journalist, in the past two years, access to government documents, procurement contracts, recruitment notice, property registration, disclosure and other social networking sites, and interviewed hundreds of former officers in any of the information, and launch the final reported.

"Washington Post" said that due to the sensitivity reported in a few months ago, the newspaper has already allows government officials to visit the news was from the site and asked whether there were any inappropriate, but no one made any comments. Said that the U.S. Director of National Intelligence Office has asked its subordinate agencies, the disclosure of the contents of neither affirmed nor denied reports that while the institutions required to take measures to minimize the impact.

United States Military Academy scholar Zhang Bo that the "Washington Post" initial disclosure of information should be a relatively junior, though they may have some value, but the rest of the world powers in terms of intelligence should not be secret. "Intelligence agencies of the name will be exposed, but the agency is doing, what is the objective, it is impossible to be in the media. And the original intention was to state the facts reported and not leak."

Zhang Bo said, "From the breadth and depth of intelligence of view, is of course the greater the intelligence network, intelligence officials as possible, but the network of large, many people may not be able to play the role of proportion with the results. This report is more U.S. intelligence alert. "

Zhang Bo said, "from the current situation of U.S. intelligence agencies, although those policies, institutions bloated condition, but not on the interests of national security, economic status and the core values of intelligence having a deadly impact, indicating intelligence is effective. The United States remains the world's top intelligence powers, and no one at this stage. "

(This article Source: Beijing News on: Zhang Yue)

