
will affect U.S. naval forces in the region. 22

Global Times - World Wide Web on July 23 July 23, according to reports published in the "Global Times" reported Agence France-Presse reported 21, is visiting the ROK, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said at a press briefing that China has recently issued some of the information "worrying", he was ready to resume military talks with China. Reported from the United States announced that military sale to Taiwan, China suspended military exchanges between the two countries. May China's cancellation of the Gates visit to Beijing. Gates expressed disappointment not to visit China, but "ready to look ahead." Gates also said, "Of course we said a few words of Chinese and some in the military action uneasy." He said U.S. concerns about China's military build-up interferes with the process of promoting the normalization of military dialogue.

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen visited U.S. troops in the restart when they mention the topic of US-China military exchanges. Mullen said that the development of any country has the right military. China to invest in high-tech weapons quite significant, including satellites, aircraft, anti-ship missiles, also plans to build aircraft carriers. Mullen said the cause of these activities outside the Chinese intentions in the region of speculation, the United States suspended military exchanges affected the answers to these questions.

Large-scale military exercises in the upcoming U.S. and South Korea against the background of most U.S. media Gates and Mullen did not over-interpret the attitude, but the "Voice of America" and some other Western media to Gates and Mullen's position linked with the Sino-US relations, "the Voice of America," said the senior U.S. military officials fear expressed that the focus of China's military expansion and the transition from development to expansion of sea and air forces of the Army. AFP commented that the United States worried that China is more confident in the Pacific region there is, especially in the anti-ship missiles to attack aircraft carrier, will affect U.S. naval forces in the region. 22, an anonymous military experts told the "Global Times" reporter, Gates and Mullen is the same old tune. "If you want to start Sino-US military exchanges, should the two sides sit down and discuss private communication, but not so monotonously posture, only would give the United States Zai Xian Shi De military presence of the flu in Asia. The United States is the meaning of such Xiangtou Lu - - beat China to placate South Korea? the United States is still the leading East Asian affairs? "National Defense University, Dr. Li Daguang held that position from the United States see the United States is eager to strengthen military exchanges with China. "Strengthening the communication does not represent what will be lost, or even if we are transparent,not specifically the Mandela family., others will think you are not transparent enough."

(This article Source: Global Times - Global Network of: pipe grams Jiang Wangyue West)

