
saw and heard only his father and his friends. My father told me

Omar is the world's number one wanted terrorist Osama bin Laden's fourth son. As a "base" leader's son, Omar Osama bin Laden was forced to live displaced from small turbulent life, and even once could be suicide bombers.

After choosing to escape his father's side, Omar is now a man living in Qatar, in his mind, his father always a father, but in between violence and peace, he would no doubt choose the latter. Omar has accepted the British media interviews about his life and now his father's knowledge.

Longing most to American life dating Hollywood actress

Bin Laden fanatic bent on destroying the United States by a bloody jihad, which has been designated as his successor Omar has said he was dreaming of a date with Hollywood actress. Sudan's desert may be hot and cold caves of Afghanistan to the United States, he was doubly loved of all, he's dancing like Madonna, Jim Carrey's movies, American football and rock music, he even intends to import from the U.S. cowboy-style saddle .

Omar is a man living in comfortable villa in Doha, Qatar,MBT Kisumu cheap, 29 years old, he ate French fries and drinking cola, said, "Of course I love my father, it is human nature, and I miss him but we are not the same I yearn for peace. My father said the United States the only good thing is a weapon, like Stinger missiles. But I want to go to the United States, to see Barrymore. I am single, and she is the most beautiful woman in Hollywood. "

Schizophrenia and his wife denied the feelings of crisis

Omar 4 years ago, the pyramids in Egypt to know when traveling from the United Kingdom Cheshire Jane Brown, 54-year-old women, although the age difference between the two men nearly doubled, but they still "love at first sight" and in April 2007 in Egypt Cairo, the wedding ceremony. But people did not think that Jane has accepted an interview with senior vice president and the United Kingdom, said that her husband Omar as excessive pressure, even after taking antidepressants had a side effect - suffering from schizophrenia! As Omar's behavior becomes unreasonable, Jane had intended to divorce him!

Jane said Omar with schizophrenia, often able to hear the magic voice of Osama bin Laden the father. This, Omar said this is his wife's angry words in anger, "I did not hear voices, but I did a lot on his dream. In a dream I stood on his car before, so he must change direction . I would like to let him change for the better, but just a dream. I admit that I take anti-depressants, it is worrying that my family, including two Iranian brothers off for 9 years. they are innocent , not a terrorist. I am worried for them, but I am not schizophrenic. "

Omar bin Laden looks exactly like his father, compared with the eyes of the less fiercely. Although the last meeting was in April 2001 in Afghanistan, but bin Laden has continued to appear in the shadow of Omar's life, which is still entangled in his father's special feelings. His wife, Jane, recently said, "Omar bin Laden can be said on love and hate. Love is because it is his father, hate it is because his father did. I think he is" 9.11 "after the trauma mental disorders. "

But regardless of whether it will really divorce the two, their children born very likely to be successful. British "Sun" 11 reports, 24-year-old British woman Louise said she will be the grandson of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's surrogate mother. If successful, means that Osama bin Laden will have a grandson or granddaughter of British nationality.

"The Sun" article reported that Louise is currently receiving fertility testing, if passes, she will become the couple's surrogate mother Omar, Omar's sperm and wife, then the eggs will be placed Jane Louise silk womb.

Louise said Omar and 54-year-old British wife Jane would like to have children, but has been unable to birth,held in Uganda, then through the website to find a surrogate mother Louise.

Omar, now 29, and the term 6-year-old wife have a son. Louise is regarded as Britain's youngest surrogate mother, surrogate mother now had two.

Childhood would have been allowed to register with a rifle Tankeladeng as "9.11" human bomb

For bin Laden in the end where the problem of Omar's answer was, "my father on earth, but I do not know where. He was alive, if he did, the dead are not confidential. His death will change the world. "

Omar admitted, "I have been heavy and crazy life, it is difficult and very normal childhood. Sometimes, we have it all. At other times, we hide in the mountains, no nothing." Omar was born in Saudi Arabia. May 1996, bin Laden fled into the mountains to establish terrorist training camps in Afghanistan when the Omar close at hand. Omar lived with her father huts, live by a very small rations. The young, he learned to use AK-47 rifles and opened the Russian tanks.

He said, "I am the son of his choice, he is the kind of magic on people who can change people's thinking. They also say the same about Hitler. But I did not follow my father." When the fanatical terrorists His pets test chemical weapons, Omar began to feel disgusted, "the father of a friend bought me a puppy, I like to play games with it. But it is his father's followers to seize the test chemicals, I was scared bad, but people ignored me, saying it was his father's command. "

Bin Laden planned "9.11" attacks, the once piece of paper nailed to the walls of the mosque used to recruit suicide bombers. Omar said, "he tell me and my brother, and said that if we want to participate, then the name can be written on paper, so much laughter. I was very surprised and angry." April 2001 Omar fled Afghanistan, his father soon became the world's most wanted man.

Do not think the terrorist attacks for the family to name the correct

Omar said that the killing of civilians, he has deep differences with his father. "Personally, I do not think '9 * 11 '(attack) is correct, but it happened," Omar said, "I also think that the war in Vietnam is not correct, what is happening in Iraq is not right ... ..."

Omar said he was leaving, "base" because do not want to go there and killing civilians, while bin Laden has not discouraged him from leaving.

"I told him I go, I hope life experience to see the outside world, because I help his father, saw and heard only his father and his friends. My father told me, 'If this is your decision , What can I say? I love you by my side, but this (left) is your choice '. "

In 2001, Omar left Afghanistan to return home to Saudi Arabia.

"9.11" attacks, the Omar are in Saudi Arabia. CNN reporter asked him, heard the news, does know his father is behind this. Omar replied: "Yes, probably."

Omar said he attacked the deceased in grief, "I do not '9 * 11 'or other resulting in many civilian deaths in the war."

When asked why not more strongly protest the killing of civilians by his father for the role, Omar said that bin Laden should be close to the teachings of religious figures to persuade him to change the name of method.

However, even this most unlikely to happen, Omar said, "base" will not stop, because "my father now has no power to stop this organization."

Omar and his wife have launched a peace campaign, intended to bin Laden family on behalf of several countries in North Africa, organized the rally riding for the family name, the same time, attract sponsors, donations for the war orphans. Name as activities for the family, it seems an impossible task, Omar said that if not in the name of Osama bin Laden's family to host rally would be easier, but "it is only a rally, not the peace movement."


