
Prime Minister did not mention nuclear-free legislation

Beijing Morning Post reported on August 7 8 月 6 AM, Hiroshima, Japan Voice of nuclear waste once again came from Hiroshima. The celebration adds a lot of new faces. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the United States, Britain and France were the first diplomats to attend.

by name engraved 5501

6 morning, the sun scorching, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park to a large nuclear explosion survivors, Japanese political figures and from over 70 countries and regions, international dignitaries and government representatives. Total of about 5.5 million people who arrived at the scene.

activities at the beginning, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, Hiroshima Mayor Akiba and other dignitaries, survivors lay a wreath on behalf of the deceased.

8:15 local time (GMT 7:15), A minute of silence for all the collective field (see Figure).

65 years ago this time, the atomic bomb, About 14 million people directly lethal explosion, and later died of injuries sustained large populations and radiation-induced illness.

silence after the 1000 meeting were flying doves symbol of peace.

Peace Memorial Park there is a mushroom cloud in the shape of the Cenotaph, monument is inscribed with the death of bomb victims list. Hiroshima increase this year on the stone tablet engraved with the name 5501, the total number of 269 446 people dead.

Prime Minister did not mention nuclear-free legislation

after flying pigeons, Akiba first speech. He said the abolition of nuclear weapons as soon as the voice has been firmly established.

Akiba urged the Japanese government to abandon the U.S. He also called for Japan's

Naoto Kan,*** Taliban released new version of, said:

However, Naoto Kan on to abandon the He said Japan will adhere to the

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon speech said,

U.S. Ambassador to Japan Yuehanlusi after the ceremony at the memorial said in a statement:

nuclear explosion survivor, 78-year-old Matsumoto, Tomiko, said:

the presence of the United States

set a record this celebration, participants of international dignitaries from 74 countries and regions, for the calendar year up to which the United Nations Secretary-General and the United States, Britain, France, on behalf of all first-time anniversary of the Hiroshima nuclear explosion. The emergence of new faces, greatly encouraged by the nuclear explosion survivors hope for the elimination of nuclear weapons.

Ban Ki-moon arrived in Japan this month on the 3rd visit. To participate in commemoration of Hiroshima, he visited other cities suffered atomic bombing of Nagasaki.

Ban Ki-moon on the 6th to mark the ceremony, said: official representative of the United States. After the ceremony, the U.S. Embassy issued a statement expressing

but the abolition of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima Moritaki Haruko Union representative said that the U.S. presence,

U.S. World War II allies Britain and France were also the first time sent a diplomat who attended the ceremony.


during World War II, the United States on August 6, 1945 the first atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima, three days after the second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki. August 15, Japan declared surrender.

nuclear explosions during the anniversary celebrations are held in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, mourning the dead. Japanese special and create a Japanese word The word spread very widely, foreign media are often used directly in the report.

However, some foreign media that the Japanese media reported that a nuclear bomb explosion anniversary year activities, vigorously played up Japanese as victims of World War II, is rarely mentioned the Japanese military aggression against neighboring countries.

6 DPA quoted Doshisha University journalism professor Kenichi Asano as saying that such reports

(This article Source: Beijing Morning Post on: Shannon Smiley)

