
if you are going to use the skin with such ingredients products

\When these two are vitamins have antioxidant effects when mixed together can make a more lasting sunscreen effect. However, whether vitamin C or vitamin E, are not able to absorb the sun's harmful rays, they can only supplement as a sunscreen, not a replacement.
to make the skin maintain its youth, we often will choose and use some anti-aging ingredients with vitamins class beauty, but do you really know what vitamins your skin needs it?
Here are four kinds of skin care the best choice and use of vitamin Guide:
vitamin A
Main functions: To promote the regeneration of collagen, and inhibiting its degradation, improve the appearance of the skin and prevent sun damage to skin and reduce facial freckles and black spots. Studies have shown that: 3 months with continuous use of 0.15% vitamin A beauty guinea pigs, 50% of the trial mechanism of improvement in skin, 30% of the trial were to reduce facial wrinkles, 35% of the trial who appear to reduce chloasma phenomenon.
Tips: dermatology experts cautioned that the use of vitamin A component of beauty products, the possible adverse effects, users of skin itching, easy blushing, increased dandruff, emotional irritability, therefore, in order to avoid these side effects, should strictly follow the recommendations of dermatologists and product instruction, adequate use.
skin care products in most categories of vitamin A vitamin A, vitamin A is artificially extracted from the derivatives, this composition can be used as prescription drugs.
vitamin B
Main functions: to help restore the skin barrier (stratum corneum), keeping the skin moist and help reduce the drying air and the external environment ( such as cleaning agents and soap) on the skin caused by stimulation to alleviate the proliferation of wrinkles, reduce pigmentation and to prevent surface such as dishes. Choose to use ingredients containing nicotinamide vitamin B complex skin care products, the effect of reducing facial wrinkles more pronounced.
Tips: dermatology experts believe that, although the efficacy of vitamin B, vitamin A than prescription effectiveness of less obvious, but it does improve the skin appearance has a good effect, it will not take to the other side, nature is very gentle, very suitable for sensitive skin to use.
nicotinamide: also known as Vpp, VB5 (3), is another nicotinic acid in the body convert existing forms, the effectiveness of prevention and treatment dermatitis.
vitamin C
Functions: Vitamin C is a powerful free radical \free radicals and bind to, thus making it unable to cause any damage (free radicals mainly by the sun, smoking, exercise and the resulting environmental impact, the body's own chemical reactions can also produce some radical); Secondly, Vitamin C also helps to promote collagen production, improve skin texture and maintain skin elasticity, and increase the gloss.
Tips: Vitamin C has anti-allergic properties, unlike vitamin A as stimulatory. Skin experts often use vitamin C to treat allergic reactions, including acne and eczema.
radicals: also known as free radicals, the body is a crucial matter, and energy access and the pathogenesis of immune substances are closely linked. Sometimes, these radicals will be out of control, damage cell components.
main effect of vitamin E
: powerful protection, you can make cells from free radical damage, prevent dry skin and inflammation; can reduce by half the number of the body, free radicals generated by smoking; in the sun before the use of vitamin E, can effectively reduce the red face caused by sun up, sebum and damaged by solar cells also decreased significantly.

Tips: dermatologists advise that although vitamin E on the maintenance of the skin is very good, but its content is not more the better,poets have been inspired, if you are going to use the skin with such ingredients products, please clear their skin condition and the selected products in the vitamin E content, to expert advice, find your use of the frequency and dosage.

