
Google Earth, see the Chinese characteristics

through Google Earth's satellite images to see the strange land of China scene.
interest you try these coordinates
42 32 "33.95" N 94 19 "36.80" e --- serving
39 41 "43.47" N 73 55 "37.17" ; e --- homeland in my heart
42 39 "18.85" N 94 10 "00.80" e --- Long live Chairman Mao! (The coolest)
42 27 "12.08" N 94 08 "49.36" e --- surmount every difficulty to win victory
42 39 "33.30" N 94 16 "00.59" e --- seize the day
42 27 "40.95" N 94 14 "36.80" e --- learn to fight

under cnBeta reports, satellite images appear on the "Long live Mao" and so on 5 banner information, school officers and men of the original eighth freedom to create a miracle in the Gobi Desert, which surround the airport's "Quotations" landmark, can help pilots maintain the spatial location to guide teaching, student access to airspace and accurate, the center of the region of the landmark is liushuquan airport. One corner there is an abandoned runway. Because liushuquan Airport is located in the Gobi, no obvious surface features near the feature! Aircraft are beginning to teach a simple machine equipment, navigation equipment, shabby, so we get a quotation landmark.

liushuquan old airport location 42 ° 33'6 .31 "N 94 ° 13'6 .95" E, is now obsolete.

new liushuquan airport position 43 ° 4'39 .09 "N 92 ° 48'29 .61" E.

